Dec 18, 2013

MEMENTOS: Autumn's Close

The trees on the mountain ridges finally turned orange in November.

One of the three major shrines in Nanao, this one currently falling into disrepair. Two metal bars have been added to help the elderly up the stairs, and I have a feeling they are the only age group that visit this shrine.

Panorama from Fisherman's Wharf

Some manga sell for $1 (compared to $8-10 in the US) at this used bookshop. If only I could read it.

The Tokuda taiko group had their bonenkai (end-of-year party) at a restaurant/hall in Nakanoto. The man on the left often plays the background beat. I had not seen him play the lead before, and was taken by how graceful his arms looked as he beat the drum. The other group members have told me this is exceptionally hard to do.


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