Aug 13, 2014

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety-jig

Miss me?
Where have you been, Tricia?
I packed up my life, said goodbye to so many people that I love, and took a few final trips around Japan. Now I'm home in Michigan, alternating between being excited about the next chapter of my life, and being melancholy for Ishikawa.

What is the next chapter?
An around-the-world trip! My "world tour" starts in Fiji and I'll head west, chasing summer until I hit the UK. I've been saving for four years to make this trip possible. I'm in the States for just two months to plan the final details of the trip, including the specific route, preliminary budget, vaccinations, travel insurance, and airline tickets. I'll be updating my former packing list, too.

What are you going to do while traveling?
I want to learn something new in each country. I'm going to kick off my travels in Fiji by getting a PADI certification in scuba diving.

Why are you traveling the world?
To feel free, to find people like me, to experience the joys of the world firsthand, to accomplish all those things people regret never trying, to follow my dreams and my heart.

In the meantime, I have pictures and stories from my last month in Japan to share (coming up).


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