Jan 12, 2015


Happy New Year!!!

2015 is already underway, and I hope it's been a great new start for you! I've just returned from a two-week meditation course at Suan Mokkh International Dhamma Hermitage. I plumbed the depths of my mind and found that what I felt I was lacking from the world was within me all along. This sounds like a cliché, but I found it to be true. I would love to tell you more about my experience in the next post.

Before I left for Thailand I wrote for the blog explaining my lack of internet for two weeks, but didn't get a chance to publish it (*headsmack*). Sorry about that! Allow me to backtrack a little with a snapshot of my time in Singapore:

Christmas 2014

Christmas Lunch (while you could still see the table before we piled on the platters)
Current and former Ishikawa JETs reunited in Singapore to celebrate Christmas together! なつかし!

Thank you Nat, Anna, Thor and Faith for showing us around your fascinating city-state; and Clarissa and Martin for the memories stand up paddleboarding and watching the sunset from the futuristic Skywalk [below]. I love y'all so much, and look forward to when we reunite again to speak "Japanglish" and reminisce about our special piece of inaka (countryside) Japan.

Supertree Grove at Gardens by the Bay

~ ~ ~

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